Our list of rules to keep Amnesty a safe space for our members and maintain our high level of integrity

Within the OCE/SEA region, there are several guilds looking to find and maintain a position at the top of this region, none exceeding Amnesty. With this in mind, it is vital to understand that being at the top does not mean recruiting the most members or owning the best gear. It requires that we maintain a level of respect and integrity within the wider community.
Amnesty will establish a presence across our selected games and servers. We aim to be at the forefront of content and will ensure we develop a respected name in the community. We expect that our members would support us by maintaining a mature demeanor while representing Amnesty.
We recognise that everyone has real-life commitments that may affect their ability to invest time into the game. We ask that you maintain open communication with the leadership team around your availability, whilst continuing to focus on self-improvement and a pursuit of excellence. We will work together as a guild to ensure each member becomes more knowledgeable about the game; practices their chosen roles and remains focused on bettering themselves. We do not have a daily time requirement and will develop structures around both serious and casual gamers. Our community comes from a wide gaming and real-life background and, as such, will all bring unique skills and experience to the table.​
English speaking
Keep it civil
Be polite and respectful
Racism/Sexism will not be tolerated
No sharing of private information
Microphone for voice channels
Desktop PC guild
Contact leadership if there are any disputes (evidence as available)
Amnesty maintains a one guild policy for specific MMOs. There will be specific verification processes for these games.
As an Amnesty member, you will be representing the entire guild, both in game and in the community. We expect that you uphold our core values:
Keep things organised, especially when tasked with higher responsibilities. Be punctual to guild meetings and events
Be a team player. Help out when other members need it.
Co-operation will help you and the guild succeed together
Be the best we can in any game. Find ways to enhance the way we play to the next level for maximum enjoyment of games
Amongst all other things, Amnesty is a group of friends enjoying games together. Be respectful of your fellow guild members.
The guild council has the final say on what is deemed appropriate or inappropriate for all Amnesty members within games and the wider community. We have zero tolerance for offensive comments and behaviour; personal attacks; and inappropriate religious/political/sexual/race topics.
All members are expected to contribute to the oversight of the guild's behaviour. We encourage our members to deal with challenging situations or communication if you are appropriately equipped to do so. If you do not feel like you can comfortably or appropriately address the situation we expect you to talk to a member of the leadership team.
Tarnishing the guild’s image through your behaviour or actions will be addressed formally and may result in your demotion or removal from our guild.
Record of logs, screenshots or videos will assist the council in making an informed decision regarding any incidents.
If you have any complaints please consider and offer a solution. We expect that you will be an active listener to the information or feedback you receive.
We expect a mature, level-headed approach to both internal and external inappropriate comments or behaviour. We will not accept insulting comments or actions to any member of the Ashes community.
We expect guild members to be mindful of their behaviour and the consequences of their actions while wearing the Amnesty tag. All breaches of the guild's core values will be addressed formally.
Amnesty's leadership team was established to maintain a functioning and cohesive community. All leaders should be treated with respect whilst assisting them in their contribution to the guild. Our leadership team will ensure they keep you informed of our ongoing plans and priorities with consultation from the guild as appropriate.
We encourage constructive feedback to ensure that our leadership team can continually review and improve the guild for you. We acknowledge the benefit in listening to a range of strategies and approaches. We appreciate your ideas and contributions to help inform an understanding of the guild's preferences. All suggestions should be made at an appropriate time and in an appropriate forum. All discussions will benefit from a clear, succinct explanation of your position or line of reasoning.
New MMOs brings forth an opportunity for all of us to explore and learn all that it offers. We understand that there will be repeated wipes and opportunities to learn how we may more efficiently and economically complete aspects of the game. We expect that all guild members will maintain a positive mind-frame and team approach to both small and large scale group content. We will not tolerate any blame, negativity or aggressive responses to poor outcomes as we all learn from our mistakes. Constructive criticism has its role in an appropriate forum to ensure we develop and share the skills of our player base. All constructive criticism should be informed by data or evidence, and provide a strategy for improvement or progression.
We have a number of content creators within our guild. We expect that voice communication will not carry over to your stream unless it has been previously approved; any guild chat should remain private, and you should run your content on an appropriate time delay.